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8 min read

Containers: all you need to know (AND AVOID)

By Vitor Calil Silva on 09/02/21 14:00

Everyone is talking about containers and app modernisation, right? It’s not just because it’s a trend but is actually a big improvement for DevOps team on how to work and how to optimize their time and experience on a project.

So, in this article you’ll find out more about containers, containerisation, app modernisation, an example of a solution for your business and more.

What are Containers after all?

Containers are self-contained apps that provide a standard way to package your application's code, configurations, and dependencies into a single object.

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7 min read

Application Modernization: The what, the why and the how

By Raquel Carvalho on 24/03/20 17:43

Let me start by explaining what Application Modernization actually is. If you’re already familiar with the term, feel free to move forward. 😉

What is Application Modernization?

App modernization is a concept designed to create new business value by updating your legacy applications (or systems) with more modern features and capabilities. It combines the strength of old business applications with modern-day technologies and software architectures to build a robust platform.

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7 min read

Kubernetes: WTF (working the functionalities)

By Vitor Calil Silva on 11/10/19 16:11

If you are curious about knowing the functionalities and benefits of using Kubernetes you got to the right article. So, come onboard and let’s dig in!

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Modern applications are increasingly built using containers  such as microservices packaged with their dependencies and configurations. Kubernetes or k8s for short, is open-source software for deploying and managing those containers. With Kubernetes, you can build, deliver and scale containerized apps faster.

As notes, "Today, Kubernetes is a true open source community, with engineers works from Google, Red Hat, and many other companies actively contributing to the project."

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