Data is the "new oil." It's the new currency of every single business out there and cannot be ignored anymore. Having the data is one thing, but knowing how to leverage the same data is just as important.
13 min read
How AI and Machine Learning are Impacting the Businesses of Tomorrow
By Ana Morais on 02/09/24 10:24
4 min read
Portugal, your new destination for Outsourcing and Nearshore
By Henrique Canha on 02/08/24 11:46
India, China, and Eastern Europe have dominated the Nearshore and Outsourcing industry for the longest time. However, countries like Portugal are gaining newfound recognition as one of the premier choices for these services, disrupting these industries at lightning speed.
Here's why Portugal is growing as a Nearshore and Outsourcing destination and why you should start considering moving your IT services here:
2 min read
The Role of Training & Development in Employer Branding
By Patrícia Pereira on 24/07/24 09:00
Nowadays, as the corporate world is rapidly evolving and expanding, and new technologies are emerging almost every day, organizations are being forced into the perpetual rat race trying to stay ahead.
For organizations targeting top talent and retention, extensive employer branding strategies are a must-have, and investing in training and development programs are a crucial part of these strategies.
7 min read
Unfolding DevOps Success: Metrics That Matter
By Ana Morais on 15/07/24 10:09
DevOps has become a bit of hype in the fast world of software development. Solet's get through the hype and bring it down to earth: DevOps is a game-changer, not just about trendy tools and flashy pipelines. It's a completely new way of thinking: a cultural shift that can supercharge your team's ability to deliver excellent software lightning-fast.
But how do you know if your DevOps journey is heading in the right direction? How do you measure success and prove the value of your efforts? That's where metrics and KPIs come in, your trusty compass in the DevOps landscape. Let's focus on the metrics that truly matter; they can provide a clear picture of your DevOps performance and help you identify areas in which you should level up.
4 min read
A CIO Nightmare: When Employees Use Uncontrolled AI-Tools
By Ana Morais on 23/06/24 17:59
Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a powerful ally for employees everywhere, offering amazing solutions to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace. However, the introduction of AI tools without proper supervision and control can entail significant risks for the security and privacy of businesses, exposing confidential information and compromising the integrity of the company's data systems.
Sensitive data, the lifeblood of any organization, could be exposed if the right safeguards aren't in place and your hard-earned reputation might take a hit with a single breach.