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3 min read

How Nearshore and Outsourcing Can Promote Sustainability

By Henrique Canha on 04/09/24 11:37

Nearshore and Outsourcing are two strategies that come up when we're talking about cost reductions or boosting operational efficiency. But what about sustainability?

As unlikely as it may sound, these practices can contribute to decreasing the carbon footprint of companies worldwide and become part of a broad-reaching strategy to promote sustainability.

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4 min read

Portugal, your new destination for Outsourcing and Nearshore

By Henrique Canha on 02/08/24 11:46

India, China, and Eastern Europe have dominated the Nearshore and Outsourcing industry for the longest time. However, countries like Portugal are gaining newfound recognition as one of the premier choices for these services, disrupting these industries at lightning speed.

Here's why Portugal is growing as a Nearshore and Outsourcing destination and why you should start considering moving your IT services here:

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4 min read

Nurturing Success: The Crucial Role of Supporting Outsourcing Teams

By Henrique Encarnação on 21/03/24 20:22

Outsourcing has become a cornerstone of modern business, allowing companies to access a global talent pool and streamline operations. According to a report by ReportLinker,  the value of the outsourcing sector is expected to grow by USD 75.89 trillion between 2023 and 2027 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.5%. However, the success of outsourcing isn't solely dependent on cost-effectiveness and efficiency; it hinges on the well-being and productivity of the workers fueling the industry.

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