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What is Open Source?

3 min read

19/11/18 17:56

Open Source can be defined as a philosophy that promotes the free access and distribution of a program, product or software.

It could be called as a manipulated and modified technology that changes a piece of the original software to make the program or application work as the user wants.

Many people, who loves to control these kinds of software, prefer it because they are interested in more control. Generic users who are not programmers also took benefit from open source software.

The best thing? There is no need to notice the owner.

When you have a source code opened to the public, normally it allows the creation of different communication paths and interactive technical communities. It’s a friendly source of software that belongs to the Open Source Initiative (OSI), which have the certification mark.

Some of the advantages that Open Source provides are connected to opportunities like tapping with the best world developers and the possibility to get adapted to a variety of cases like surfacing bugs and edge cases much more rapidly than traditional.


What’s the definition model to the distribution for this open source software?

• This software needs to be expressly redistributed to anyone else without any restriction.

• The source code should be made available so that the receiving part will be able to improve or modify it.

• The license can require improved versions of the software to carry a different name or version from the original software.

Noticeable to you?

We want to assure that you understand the importance of Open Source system. With this technology you can learn more from each other because information is open. Ideas can run during the projection of the system that you are working with and solve problems that no one is capable to. It’s a big community that provides a strong engagement with all of the programming areas. It increases more traditional organisations building software.

The future is here!

Why this technology?

When people choose this technology, the amount of work that needs to be done is reduced because multiple contributions are added by many individuals.

It’s a technology that promotes multiple insights and viewpoints in a free sharing concept is this software world.

For modern organisations, open source technology is the best way to build softwares, providing a challenge that in a near future will keep organisations less corporative and closer.

The point is – you should work with this kind of source because it’s a transparent technology that all the community can watch and join.

By the way, contact us if you need any help!

Tiago Veríssimo
Written by Tiago Veríssimo

Syoner for 7+ years. Started as a Developer and he is currently Team & Project Manager. PMP® and Scrum Master Certified. Worked on Projects for Public Administration, Banking, Retail and Utilities.

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