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Open Future Blog by Syone

Vitor Calil Silva

Hands on professional, more than 10 years experience in digital marketing and a fan about how technology can improve our daily tasks.
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8 min read

Machine Learning: they come in peace!

By Vitor Calil Silva on 20/12/19 14:53

Hello! Before we get to the Machine Learning topic, we need to talk a bit about Artificial Intelligence.


AI is the top layer of this whole process, while Machine Learning is a subset of it, and Deep Learning is a subset of ML (we are going to cover Deep Learning in another blog post soon, don’t worry).

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7 min read

Kubernetes: WTF (working the functionalities)

By Vitor Calil Silva on 11/10/19 16:11

If you are curious about knowing the functionalities and benefits of using Kubernetes you got to the right article. So, come onboard and let’s dig in!

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Modern applications are increasingly built using containers  such as microservices packaged with their dependencies and configurations. Kubernetes or k8s for short, is open-source software for deploying and managing those containers. With Kubernetes, you can build, deliver and scale containerized apps faster.

As notes, "Today, Kubernetes is a true open source community, with engineers works from Google, Red Hat, and many other companies actively contributing to the project."

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11 min read

Cloud Migration: should I stay or should I go?

By Vitor Calil Silva on 11/10/19 15:55

This time, I brought a subject that was one of the main topics on the Azure Essentials Workshop that we did with Microsoft: cloud migration!

What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is the process of moving data, applications or other business elements to a cloud environment.

What companies usually do is to relocate most of its computing assets to the cloud, and some applications and services still remain on-premise. You probably heard about hybrid cloud too, in this option, you can go for both public and private cloud environments, that also includes on-premise computing assets.

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5 min read

Cloud solutions: 7 reasons to go for it (the #6 is amazing)

By Vitor Calil Silva on 12/07/19 18:27

Nowadays, to join or to be part of the Digital Transformation Era is a crucial to any business strategy. And one of the most important steps you need to consider is how to explore the cloud correctly. With so many cloud solutions in the market, we decided to write this article to help you realize that cloud services are the wisest decision for your business.

With the right cloud solution (or solutions) you should be able to engage your customers, transform products, optimize your operations, empower your employees and save money.

So, let us show you some reasons why you should migrate to the cloud.

Enjoy the reading!

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