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Open Future Blog by Syone

7 min read

Application Modernization: The what, the why and the how

By Raquel Carvalho on 24/03/20 17:43

Let me start by explaining what Application Modernization actually is. If you’re already familiar with the term, feel free to move forward. 😉

What is Application Modernization?

App modernization is a concept designed to create new business value by updating your legacy applications (or systems) with more modern features and capabilities. It combines the strength of old business applications with modern-day technologies and software architectures to build a robust platform.

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7 min read

Microservices: not just a buzzword

By Vitor Calil Silva on 24/03/20 17:05

For you to quickly get an idea of where we’re heading, here is the TL;DR version about microservices, some of its main benefits and why it’s a big thing:

  • Quickly scale and deliver new features and upgrades to market
  • Rapidly iterate to find your next business model
  • Improve and empower developer engagement

With this in mind, let’s take a step back and discuss a bit about monolithic apps, the counterpart to microservices.

Monolithic or packaged apps: why they’re getting old

The traditional way of building enterprise applications, using a monolithic approach, is becoming problematic as applications get larger and more complex or when your business needs to make adaptations to its product/service in order to respond to demand.

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2 min read

Syoners’ (for the) Community

By Sara Contumélias Rocha on 17/03/20 10:52

As a company, we believe in empowering people to deliver excellence in everything they do! This means we also have the responsibility, as a company, of creating the moments in which we look beyond our daily tasks and, together, fulfil a role that we see as fundamental:

Help shape and improve the community where we include ourselves,
both locally and globally!

What's Syone's role in the Community?

Syone acts on being responsible towards the community by taking daily actions that lead to stimulating cooperation and valuing difference, the pillars of a more inclusive society. It’s very important that our values reflect the ethical conduct by which we are guided, make decisions and act.

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4 min read

Syone’s Definite Guide for an Outstanding Q.A. Approach

By Tiago Valador on 18/02/20 11:34

In every organisation, one of the most difficult things to manage is the approach made towards new techniques, methodologies and processes.

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5 min read

Why are Soft Skills essential in IT? Learn how to improve your performance.

By Nuno Batista on 05/02/20 15:39

Let’s start by explaining what soft skills actually are:

Soft Skills are a combination of people skills, social skills, communication skills, character or personality traits, attitudes, among others, that enable people to work well together, have a good performance, and achieve their goals by adding some extra "points" and complementing their hard skills.

Soft skills characterise how people interact with each other.

Soft skills include (among others)

Adaptability Creative thinking Networking Time management Problem-solving
Attitude Work ethic Decision making Motivation Critical thinking
Communication Teamwork Positivity Flexibility Conflict resolution
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